Nicorette fruity mint

SKU: 4987123700214
Nicorette fruity mint

Nicorette fruity mint

SKU: 4987123700214
list price ¥2,683

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●Nicorette Fruity Mint is a medicine for people who want to quit smoking, and it relieves symptoms such as irritation and difficulty concentrating when smoking cessation. (It does not have the effect of making you dislike smoking)
●The recommended period of use is 3 months, and by gradually reducing the amount used, it will help you quit smoking easily.
●If you do not smoke or currently do not smoke, please do not use this product as it may have an unfavorable effect on your body.
●An easy-to-chew nicotine gum formulation with a sugarless coating.

[Designated class 2 drugs]


Relief of symptoms such as irritation, difficulty concentrating, and restlessness when smoking cessation

<Cautions related to indications/effects>

Dosage and Administration

When you feel like smoking, chew one cigarette slowly for 30 to 60 minutes. Use the table as a guideline for the number of pieces to use per day, and usually start with 4 to 12 pieces per day and increase or decrease as appropriate, but the total number of pieces used per day should not exceed 24 pieces. Once you are able to quit smoking (about 1 month), reduce the number of tablets you use per day by 1 to 2 per week, and stop using once you are using only 1 to 2 tablets per day. The usage period is approximately 3 months.
[Dose: Maximum number of cigarettes used per day: Approximate number of cigarettes used per day at the start of use (number of cigarettes smoked per day before quitting smoking): Approximate number of cigarettes used per day at the beginning of use (number of cigarettes smoked per day before quitting) (number of pieces used)]
1 piece: 24 pieces: 20 pieces or less: 4 to 6 pieces
1 piece: 24 pieces: 21-30 pieces: 6-9 pieces
1 piece: 24 pieces: 31 pieces or more: 9 to 12 pieces

<Precautions related to dosage and administration>

1. Stop smoking completely before using cigarettes.
2. Do not chew more than 2 pieces at a time (Nicotine may be overdosed, causing symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and abdominal pain.)
3. If you feel a spicy or irritating sensation, stop chewing and rest it on the inside of your cheek.
4. This drug is a gum preparation, so do not swallow it. Additionally, this drug may adhere to dentures and cause them to fall off or be damaged, so people who have had dental treatment such as dentures should be careful when using this product.
5. Do not use this drug for a while after drinking coffee or carbonated drinks (the full effect of this drug may not be obtained).
6.Do not use this product at the same time as inhalers or sprays used in the mouth (this may worsen symptoms such as irritation in the mouth/throat and sore throat).


of 1
Nicotine 2mg


Ion exchange resin, xylitol, acesulfame potassium, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, magnesium oxide, talc, peppermint oil, l-menthol, gum arabic powder, titanium oxide, carnauba wax, calcium carbonate, dibutylhydroxytoluene (BHT), Hypromellose (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose), sucralose, polysorbate 80, fragrance, and 9 other ingredients

<Caution related to ingredients and amount>

Dosage form

Gum (for external use - other)

Usage precautions

■What not to do
(If not followed, current symptoms may worsen or side effects may occur more easily)
1.The following people should not use it.
(1) Non-smokers [those who have never smoked or are not currently smoking] (Symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, and abdominal pain may occur.)
(2) People who are already using other nicotine preparations
 (3) Pregnant women or people who appear to be pregnant
(4) People with serious heart disease
1) Persons who have had a myocardial infarction within the past 3 months
   2) Persons diagnosed with severe angina pectoris by a doctor
   3) Persons diagnosed with severe arrhythmia by a doctor
(5) Persons diagnosed by a doctor with acute cerebrovascular disease (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.)
(6) People diagnosed with depression by a doctor
 (7) Persons who have experienced allergic symptoms (rash/redness, itching, edema, etc.) due to this drug or its ingredients
(8) People with jaw joint disorders
2. Do not use this drug if you are breastfeeding, or avoid breastfeeding if you use this drug.
 (It is thought to transfer into breast milk and cause the infant's pulse to quicken.)
3. Do not do the following while using or immediately after using this drug.
(1) Smoking
(2) Use of nicotine patch preparations
Do not use for more than 4.6 months
■To consult
1.The following people should consult a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, or registered seller before use.
(1) Person receiving treatment from a doctor or dentist
 (2) People using other drugs
(May affect the effects of other drugs.)
(3) Elderly people and people under 20 years old
(4) Persons who have had allergic symptoms due to drugs, etc.
(5) People with the following symptoms
Abdominal pain, chest pain, stomatitis, sore throat/sore throat
 (6) Persons who received the following diagnosis
Heart disease (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, arrhythmia), cerebrovascular disorder (cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.), Buerger's disease (peripheral vascular disorder), hypertension, thyroid dysfunction, pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma, diabetes ( (those using insulin preparations), pharyngitis, esophagitis, gastric/duodenal ulcers, liver disease, kidney disease (this may worsen symptoms or affect the effects of medications currently being used), epilepsy
2. If the following symptoms appear after use, it may be a side effect, so stop using it immediately and consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered salesperson with this document.
[ Related areas: Symptoms]
Mouth/Throat: Stomatitis, sore throat
Gastrointestinal: Nausea/vomiting, abdominal discomfort, heartburn, loss of appetite, diarrhea
Skin: Rash/redness, itching
Psychiatric and nervous system: Headache, dizziness, decreased thinking, drowsiness
Circulatory system: palpitations
Others: Chest discomfort, chest irritation, facial flushing, facial edema, feeling unwell
3.The following symptoms may appear after use, so do not allow these symptoms to persist or worsen. If this occurs, stop using the product and consult a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, or registered salesperson with this document.
(1) Irritation in the mouth and throat, rough tongue, abnormal taste, increased saliva, gingivitis
(These symptoms may be alleviated by chewing slowly.)
(2) Jaw pain
(There may be other causes.)
(3) Hiccups, burps
4.If the prescribed dose is mistakenly exceeded or if a child accidentally ingests it, the following symptoms may occur.In such a case, please bring this document with you immediately. Consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered salesperson.
Nausea, increased saliva, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sweating, headache, dizziness, hearing loss, general weakness (possible acute nicotine poisoning).
If it continues for more than 5.3 months, please consult your doctor, pharmacist, or registered salesperson with this document.
 (Nicotine dependence may be inherited by this drug due to long-term or heavy use.)

Storage and handling precautions

1. Store in a cool place with low humidity and out of direct sunlight. (If stored in a high temperature place, the gum will stick to the sheet and become difficult to remove.)
2. Although this drug is packaged in a way that children cannot easily open it, it should be stored out of the reach of children.
3. Do not transfer to another container (this may cause misuse or change in quality).
4. Do not use products that have passed their expiration date.
5.Wrap chewed gum in paper or other similar material and throw it away out of the reach of children.

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