Sante Hyalein S

SKU: 4987084302779

Sante Hyalein S

SKU: 4987084302779
list price ¥2,180

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Hyalein S is an eye drop that is effective against eye fatigue, dry eyes, and blurred vision caused by unstable tear production.Due to overuse or dryness of the eyes, the tear layer on the surface of the eyes becomes uneven, making it difficult to see and causing unpleasant symptoms such as eye fatigue.The active ingredient in Hyalein S, sodium hyaluronate, has a high water-retaining ability, providing moisture to the eyes and improving unpleasant symptoms such as eye fatigue, dry eyes, and blurred vision.
■ Hyalein S can be used while wearing all contact lenses except colored contact lenses.
Soft, O2, hard, disposable (disposable)
Can be used even by those who do not wear contact lenses.
*Some eye drops cannot be used while wearing soft contact lenses, so be sure to check the outer box and package insert.

[Class 2 drugs]


Relief of the following eye symptoms: dryness, foreign body sensation (rolling/tingling sensation), fatigue, blurred vision, discomfort when wearing soft or hard contact lenses

<Cautions related to indications/effects>

Dosage and administration

Apply 1 drop at a time, 5 to 6 times a day.

<Precautions related to dosage and administration>

●Please observe the following precautions.
 (1) When used by children, please use it under the guidance and supervision of their guardians.
 (2) Do not let the tip of the container touch your eyes, eyelids, or eyelashes.(The medicinal solution may become contaminated or cloudy due to contamination with eye mucus or bacteria.) Also, do not use cloudy liquids.
 (3) Please use only for eye drops.
 (4) Do not use when wearing colored contact lenses.


Purified sodium hyaluronate 0.1%


Aminocaproic acid, sodium edetate hydrate, chlorhexidine gluconate solution, tonicity agent, pH regulator

<Caution related to ingredients and amount>

Dosage form

Eye drops (for external use [eye/otolaryngological agents]-liquid)

Usage notes

■What you should not do
(If you do not follow these rules, your current symptoms may worsen or side effects may occur more easily.)
The following people should not use this product:
 (1) Persons who have had allergic symptoms due to this drug or its components
 (2) Persons with the following diagnosis: dry eye, Sjögren's syndrome, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, cornea Infectious diseases
 (3) People with the following symptoms: Sudden loss of vision, severe eye pain (as the condition may worsen, please consult a doctor without undergoing treatment on your own)
1.The following people should consult a doctor or pharmacist before use.
 (1) People receiving medical treatment
 (2) People who have had allergic symptoms due to medicines, etc.
 (3) People who have the following symptoms in addition to eye symptoms:
 ・Dry mouth, dry nasal passages
 ・High fever, sore lips, sore throat, widespread rash/redness on the skin, etc. that persist or suddenly worsen
(4) Receive the following diagnosis People with glaucoma
2. If the following symptoms appear after use, it may be a side effect, so please stop using it immediately and consult your doctor or pharmacist with this document.
[Related areas: Symptoms]
Skin: Rash/redness, itching
Eyes: Redness, itching, swelling, pain, irritation, foreign body sensation, eye discharge
3. Discontinue use in the following cases. , please consult your doctor or pharmacist with this document
 (1) If the blurred vision does not improve
 (2) If the symptoms do not improve even after using the product according to the directions and dosage for about a week (approximately using up the first bottle), or if you notice any abnormalities. (Please consult before using the second bottle)
4. Even if you see improvement in symptoms, please consult your doctor or pharmacist if you plan to use this product for more than 2 weeks.

Precautions for storage and handling

(1) Do not screw on the cap until use
(2) Store tightly closed in a cool place away from direct sunlight.To maintain the quality of the product, do not leave it in high-temperature locations such as inside a car or near a heater.Also, please do not use containers that have been left in high-temperature locations, as the container may deform and the chemical may leak or the quality of the chemical may deteriorate.
(3) Keep out of reach of children.
(4) Do not transfer to other containers.
 (May cause misuse or change in quality)
(5) Do not share with others
(6) Do not use products that have passed their expiration date.Also, even if it is within the expiry date, please use it as soon as possible after opening.
(7) Depending on storage conditions, crystals of the ingredients may form white around the eye dropper opening of the container or inside the cap.In that case, please wipe it off with clean gauze before use.

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