Shionogi Gastrointestinal Medicine K Fine Granules

SKU: 4987087039139
Shionogi Gastrointestinal Medicine K Fine Granules

Shionogi Gastrointestinal Medicine K Fine Granules

SKU: 4987087039139
list price ¥1,090

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◇Carnitine chloride, which regulates gastrointestinal function, and 5 types of stomach-healthy herbal medicines enhance the function of a weakened stomach and are effective against heaviness in the stomach, loss of appetite, etc. In addition, red-tailed wrinkles adjust the function of the intestines.
◇ Copper chlorophyllin sodium, a chlorophyll-derived ingredient, helps repair chapped gastric mucosa.
◇Contains digestive enzymes for starch, protein, and fat.
◇The combination of 4 types of antacid ingredients improves hyperacid symptoms such as heartburn and stomach pain.
◇This is a comprehensive gastrointestinal medicine in the form of easy-to-swallow fine granules containing 15 types of active ingredients to be highly effective against various unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms.
◇The blended antacid does not contain aluminum. (aluminum free)

[Class 2 drugs]


Heaviness in the stomach, tightness in the chest, feeling of fullness in the stomach and abdomen, weak stomach. Anorexia (loss of appetite), indigestion, accelerated digestion, overeating (overeating). Heartburn, nausea (nausea, stomach upset, hangover/bad drunkenness, nausea, nausea), vomiting, drinking too much (binge drinking). Stomach discomfort, belching, stomach heaviness, stomach pain, hyperacidity

<Cautions related to indications/effects>

Dosage and Administration

Please take the following amount after meals.
[Age: Dose: Number of doses per day]
Adults (15 years and older): 1 packet: 3 times
Over 11 years old and under 15 years old: 2/3 packs: 3 times
Over 8 years old and under 11 years old: 1/2 pack: 3 times
Over 5 years old and under 8 years old: 1/3 pack: 3 times
Under 5 years of age: Do not administer

<Precautions related to dosage and administration>

●Please strictly follow the prescribed usage and dosage.
●When giving this product to children, please use it under the guidance and supervision of their parents.


3 packs (4.2g)
Carnitine chloride 200mg
Keichi powder 300mg
Clove powder 50mg
Gentian powder 50mg
Gadjutsu powder 50mg
Carrot powder 100mg
Akamega Shiwa Powder 300mg
Copper chlorophyllin sodium 45mg
Biodiastase 60mg
Prozyme 20mg
Lipase AP6 60mg
Sodium hydrogen carbonate 800mg
Precipitated calcium carbonate 800mg
Magnesium carbonate 500mg
Roto extract triple powder 90mg (Roto extract 30mg)


D-mannitol, calcium silicate, hydroxypropylcellulose, aspen powder, glycyrrhizinic acid, peppermint oil, l-menthol, potato starch, dextrin

<Caution related to ingredients and amount>

When taking this drug, your stool may turn green, but this is due to the copper chlorophyllin sodium (green color) contained in the drug, so there is no need to worry.

Dosage form

Fine granules (oral medication - powder)

Usage precautions

■What not to do
(If you do not follow these guidelines, your current symptoms may worsen or side effects may occur more easily.)
1. Do not take the following medicines while taking this drug.
Gastrointestinal analgesic antispasmodic
2. Do not take this drug if you are breastfeeding, or avoid breastfeeding if you take this drug.
 (It may pass into breast milk and cause the infant's pulse to become faster)
■To consult
1.The following people should consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered salesperson before taking the drug.
(1) People receiving treatment from a doctor
 (2) Pregnant women or people who appear to be pregnant
(3) Elderly people
 (4) Persons who have had allergic symptoms due to medicines, etc.
(5) People with the following symptoms
Difficulty urinating
(6) Persons who have received the following diagnosis
Kidney disease, heart disease, glaucoma, thyroid dysfunction
2. If the following symptoms appear after taking the drug, it may be a side effect, so please stop taking the drug immediately and consult your doctor, pharmacist, or registered salesperson with this document.
[ Related areas: Symptoms]
Skin: Rash/redness, itching
3.The following symptoms may appear after taking this drug.If these symptoms persist or worsen, stop taking the drug and take this medicine. Please consult your doctor, pharmacist or registered salesperson with this document.
Dry mouth, constipation, diarrhea
4. If your symptoms do not improve after taking it for about 2 weeks, please stop taking it and consult your doctor, pharmacist, or registered salesperson with this document.
■Other notes
It may be difficult to produce breast milk

Precautions for storage and handling

(1) Store in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
(2) Keep out of reach of children.
(3) Do not transfer to other containers.
 (It may cause misuse or change in quality)
(4) If you want to use the remainder after dividing one package, please store it with the bag closed and use it within 2 days.
(5) Do not take the product after the expiration date.

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