Writing reviews of OTC drugs is prohibited!

Why can't you find reviews of our medicines?

1. Regulatory Compliance
In Japan, posting customer reviews of pharmaceutical products is prohibited by law. This regulation ensures that decisions are made based on accurate, scientifically verified information, not on potentially misleading personal opinions.

2. Make an informed decision We recommend that you make an informed decision based on the official information provided by the pharmaceutical manufacturer. It is important to fully understand the product details, intended use, dosage and potential side effects.

3. Purchase Responsibly. Buy only what you need and in the prescribed or recommended amounts. This approach helps prevent waste and reduces the risks associated with inappropriate use of medicines.

Addressing the overdose problem
In recent years, drug overdoses have been increasing and have become a major social problem.
Here's how to prevent that:

  • Follow instructions : Always use medications exactly as directed on the label or as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Be careful with your dosage : Do not take more medication, more frequently, or for a longer period of time than prescribed.
  • Seek professional advice : If you are unsure of the appropriate dosage or have concerns about your medication, consult a medical professional.

Make a safe choice
We are committed to ensuring your safety and health. By providing accurate information and following regulatory guidelines, we can help you make safe and effective choices in managing your health.