
Enrich your daily life with the taste of your choice.

In the afternoon when you need a break, it's time to refresh yourself with an iced coffee of your choice.

Do you suffer from nasal congestion every day?

If you suffer from rhinitis, take advantage of rhinitis medication to make your life more comfortable.

Protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays that fall on it.

Make it a habit to apply sunscreen daily to nurture healthy and beautiful skin.

Lightening Women's Hearts and Bodies

Sudden sweating...irritability...heaviness...may be due to hormonal imbalance.

Dealing with painful itching caused by insect bites

Do not touch the sting site unnecessarily, and use over-the-counter medications to reduce itching and inflammation.

Enjoy the taste of authentic ramen Japan!

Easy and satisfying when you are hungry. Japanese soul food loved around the world!
  • For feeling heavy, stomach pain, and nausea.

  • For constipation, loose stools, and bloating. Contains triple live bacteria! Brings the condition of the large intestine closer to normal.

  • かぜの諸症状(のどの痛み、せき、鼻みず、発熱など)の緩和

  • 胃もたれや胃の不快感、食欲不振など、疲れた胃の調子を戻します。