Return Refund Policy

You can immediately cancel your order before it is shipped.

However, due to the nature of overseas shipping, orders cannot be canceled once the product has been shipped, so please be sure to double check before purchasing the product.

*Under no circumstances can you return, exchange, or cancel a product after 7 days have passed since you received it.

Please double check before purchasing, as we are unable to offer refunds or exchanges for simple changes of mind once the item has been shipped.

When requesting a refund or exchange due to damage or incorrect delivery, you must attach a photo of the outer box of the product in question and a photo that confirms the damage. Please note that if you are unable to attach a photo, we cannot accept refunds, exchanges, or returns.

*In the case of incorrect delivery, returns or exchanges are not possible after the product has been opened, so please be sure to check the appearance of the product.

1.Only orders placed before 8am on the same day will be shipped on the same day. However, please note that there may be some delays due to manufacturer circumstances or stock conditions. Payments made after 8:00 a.m. will generally be shipped the next day.

2. Weekend orders (Friday after 8am - Saturday, Sunday) will be processed and shipped next Monday.

3. Orders placed on holidays (including orders placed after 8:00 a.m. the day before the holiday) will be shipped on the next day after the holiday (including alternative holidays). Information on Japanese holidays is provided on our homepage.

The average delivery time is approximately 5-10 days from the shipping processing date after payment. However, please note that there may be a delay of 1 to 2 days due to missing parts due to bad weather or delays in customs clearance due to customs clearance circumstances.

If there is an item that is difficult to ship due to local circumstances, we will contact the buyer. If the answer is not found here, you can also partially cancel and ship. Partial cancellations will be refunded.

Our company, Japan Drug, may provide free shipping service for certain products. (Only if the website is published) When processing a combined shipping process for a free shipping item and a non-free shipping item, we will inform you that additional shipping charges will be added based on the weight of the paid shipping item. We would like to inform you that due to the characteristics of overseas shipping, this is due to the shipping fee being measured by weight. (ex1. Free shipping product → No additional shipping fee) (ex2. Free shipping product + Paid shipping product Shipping fee is calculated based on the total weight excluding the weight of the free shipping product)

If the order information you entered at the time of ordering is insufficient or incorrect during customs inspection, resulting in a delay in customs clearance, you will not be contacted even though the customs official has contacted the contact information you provided at the time of ordering. In accordance with the Korean Customs Clearance Act, the product will be automatically disposed of after 60 days. For this reason, we would like to inform you that we cannot cancel or refund your order, even if you do not receive the item.

Please note that the portion due to "problems with customs clearance" is the responsibility of the recipient.
*When ordering, please carefully check your name, address, phone number, and customs clearance number.
*Sometimes, you need to be even more careful when giving a gift to someone else or ordering on their behalf.

When ordering chocolate or jelly in the summer, the product may melt when delivered due to temperature differences, so in such cases, please be sure to store it refrigerated before consuming it.

If you are concerned about the quality of the product, please refrain from purchasing. Please note that refunds and exchanges are not possible even if the product changes in quality, deforms, or becomes oddly shaped due to weather.

For first-time users
Shipping policy
Payment currency/payment method
Customs clearance number issued (Residing in Korea)
business days